Order Type
Product / Styling Guidelines
Personalized product shipping to multiple individual addresses
Choose one style of product only
e.g. a Vest, a Jacket, a Pullover Fleece; Can be a Men's and Women's combined
Personalized product Shipping to a single location
Ability to choose more than one product style.
6+ unit minimum per style required to avoid extra fees
Non-Personalized product shipping to a single location or to your local decorator
Ability to choose more than one product style
L.L.Bean for Business Multirecipient Ordering
Guidelines As of September 15, 2023
Holiday 2023 Ordering:
For delivery before the Cristmas holiday, the deadline for placing a multirecipient order (following guidelines above) is November 10, 2023.
Keep in mind it's always good to order early to receive the best inventory availability.